Improv Coaching

A decade in comedy.
300+ happy students.
Award-winning teacher.

I'll help you find joy,
rediscover play,
and break all the rules.

Do you get stuck on stage?

Do you have trouble knowing what to say next,
or worrying about treading on people’s toes?

Improv is supposed to be fun.
It’s supposed to be the opposite of being tied up in knots.
It should be free, loose, playful, and non-judgemental.
Improv should be joyful.

Imagine stepping on stage and trusting yourself,
trusting the people around you,
and trusting that the thrumming energy
you feel in your stomach and limbs
isn’t nervousness, but excitement.

Imagine feeling present,
and calm.

Imagine finding improv easy.

Last week I had a hard day at work.
I went home feeling dejected, bored, desperate for adventure.

I looked for other jobs,
browsed the listings on,
Googled the price of one-way tickets to Africa.

Then I went and did some coaching.

By the end of the two-hours I was awake, energised,
and desperate to do it again.

It didn’t take long for me to realise why.

Teaching people about improv is my favourite thing to do.

It’s something I love,
it’s something I’m good at,
it’s something people need,
it’s something I can be paid for. 

It’s my Ikigai.

I’ve been working in comedy for a decade now,
and have worked as a teacher for almost as long. 

I’ve been doing improv for 5 years.
I’ve taken all the classes,
been on all the house teams,
produced monthly shows,
coached since 2019,
taught 20+ classes to 300+ students.

In 2021 I was nominated for Most Outstanding Workshop Instructor,
and that small piece of recognition was a culmination of all the things I’ve ever loved.

In 2023 I won that same award, and the feeling didn't dissipate.

I don’t know how to do much,
but I know how to do this: 

I can get you unstuck,
out of your head,
and make improv easy.

This is adult play, at the end of the day,
and it should always be fun.

Please book in a coaching session at your leisure.

I can’t wait!

Feedback from past students:

"Matt has an obvious passion for improv, but I would say the thing that really stands out is his passion and skills for TEACHING improv. He's extraordinary at distilling concepts, giving impactful critical feedback, and encouraging the best in our improv. He has a knack for making things 'click'. It's such a privilege to learn from him."

“Matt is a great teacher who makes the classes extremely fun and builds an amazing rapport among the whole group. His feedback is spot on, and allows things to go wrong just the right amount.”

“You're an infectious force of energy and positivity. And you're super friendly and easygoing, which are fantastic attributes for an improv teacher.”

"I loved how much he cared about each scene we were in, he was always super encouraging and brought everyone’s energy levels up and had insightful comments on our scenes.”

“Matt was bloody great, very encouraging and open to all in the class. Generous with praise and lessons. 10/10

"Matt’s enthusiasm was contagious. He was supportive and boosted my confidence throughout while still offering constructive guidance."

“So enthusiastic about improv and really approachable…I felt very encouraged by him to be more in the moment.

“Had an absolute blast - you created such an open, friendly and encouraging environment.

“Matt’s energy was great, as was his knowledge and passion for improv.”

Testimonials from coaching clients:

“Matt Young's Improv coaching services are simply outstanding. I have had the pleasure of working with him on several occasions, and his coaching has undoubtedly improved my own improv skills and performances.

What sets Matt apart is his ability to provide insightful and constructive feedback that is always tailored to the individual. His experience as a comedian and performer shines through in his coaching style, and his passion for the art of improv is contagious.

Through his coaching sessions, Matt creates a safe and supportive environment that allows teams to explore new ideas, take risks, and truly connect with each other on stage. His ability to guide teams through exercises that build trust and collaboration is second to none.

If you're looking for a coach who will push you to be your best while also creating a positive and supportive environment, then I highly recommend Matt Young's Improv coaching services. His expertise, experience, and passion for the art of improv are truly unmatched, and any team would be lucky to work with him.
- Kristina Micallef (Buffalo Complex)

“I have asked Matt to coach various teams several times, both for Harold and two prov. His Harold coaching helped pull a ragtag bunch of outcasts and street urchins over the line when it mattered. But for our two prov, Matt’s coaching was foundational. Through exercises of strange alchemy in our early sessions Matt helped us tighten our pace, discover proper teamwork, find our unique voice and become a much, much better act.
- Todd Pierce (Breaking Bad)